Thursday, November 19, 2009

Writing Assignment # 4


A Mutual Affair-


This article by Olivia Judson from the New York Times discusses a number of interesting issues in mutualisms. In this class we have discussed the roles that microbes play as parasites, predators, competitors, and mutualists.

Using the knowledge you have gained during this course, and from reading the assignmed article, discuss the variety of ecological roles through which microbes affect humans. For each of the ecological roles that you discuss in your paper, we would like you to mention at least one interesting or "cool" thing that you have learned about the behavior of microbes in those interactions.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages and a maximum of three pages in length.

Important Dates

Tuesday November 24th- Rough draft due

Thursday November 26th- Eat excessive amounts of turkey (or tofurkey)

Thusday December 3rd- Workshop papers (and remind Dr. McG that it is his Mom's birthday)

Tuesday December 9th- Final draft due

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