Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Critical Thinking Exercise

There are lots of controversial issues on campus, in Lubbock, in Texas, and in the USA that would allow us to practice our critical thinking skills. However, sometimes I think it is easier to think critically about issues that don't seem to immediately affect us. Thus, I would like us to explore an issue that has been in the news recently that is happening in Malaysia.

Malaysia is a very interesting county. If you would like to know more about Malaysia, their environment, and the people that live there you can check out this powerpoint presentation. This slideshow, which is think is pretty cool, was developed by one of my Natural History and Humanities classes to be used in a 5th grade classroom. Even though it was intended for kids, it still serves as a useful introduction to Malaysia.


Crticial Thinking Exercise

Here is a link to the slideshow that I used in class.


Further Viewing

Malaysian woman to be caned for drinking beer - 23 Aug 09

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about this story then here are links to a couple of CNN and BBC articles. It seems to me that the outcome of this story is still uncertain, so it will be interesting to follow it to see what happens.

Malaysian model, mother to be caned for drinking beer in public

Malaysia postpones woman's caning

Malaysia delays caning beer woman

The political cost of caning Kartika

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